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Showing posts from December, 2022

completionism 2022 - collector's edition part 2

Okay then, time to wrap up this wrap-up. I think I've made my point and that point is that I have played a lot of games this year . When I restarted this blog all the way back in February , I was very much in the mindset that I was going to actually some of these games I always buy when the sales are on and boy did I get busy on that front. Looking back it doesn't feel like I had a wealth of free time to fit in all this gaming, but by golly I did. Mission accomplished! I may even get around to playing games from this very current decade on a regular basis next year but naturally I am making no promises there. For the last time this year, to the games...

completionism 2022 - collector's edition part 1

So it came to pass that another twelve month period was at its end and lo they did say, it was good, bad or indifferent as whatever the case may be. 2022 was quite the year for a whole host of reasons but for the purpose of this blog post i am going to zero in on the old gaming habit. All those games I finally got around to clearing from the backlog this year as well as a few picked at random because spontaneity is not entirely dead yet. Not all of the games I played will be featured here of course, why if you want to read previous tales of the games I completed in the first half of the year then please divert your eyes to this post and this post . Yes its the blog entry so prolific it's arriving in four instalments. To the games... No wait, Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Now to the games...