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Showing posts from January, 2023

the games played last year awards 2023

Hello 2023 , it's nice to have you here! Yes I know we're a full month in, nonetheless it's a new year, a new day and a new blog post. New games as well, well not new games as such but possibly more recent games than I've been playing as of late, newer games shall we say? Newish? That's a word right? Yeah let's go with that, this is the internet after all. Tallying up my games played last year, I came to the rather startling, nay troubling conclusion that I played something like fifty games across the entirety of 2022. Nearly an inexplicable game per week by some nefarious tampering of space and time.  Not sure how I accomplished that if I'm honest, a single minded sense of purpose perhaps? A stubborn refusal to engage my time more productively? Whatever the answer, I've been left with a lot of games to reflect back upon. Lots of good times with an ample selection of the less spectacular to choose from as well. See my previous blog entries for individu...