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the future is so 1989

Brief update today as I'm still woozy from painkillers from my earlier visit to the dentist slash mouth mechanic. Can see the Xbox One reviews are well and truly in. An exceptionally functional black box full of media and voice activated shenanigans that isn't over-wowing people on the games front, at least not yet.

So far so predictable, its initial reveal earlier this year was not so much a showcase for gaming as it was for absolutely everything else they could pack on-stage. Microsoft's approach was a rousing success in the lets-alienate-everyone category of misfired product launches. Several months/U-turns later  what we're left with is a big black box straight out of the late 1980's. 

This I approve of but thats about as far as it goes. It looks like it should play VHS cassettes but despite Microsoft's everything-and-the-kitchen-sink approach they've somehow left that out. Alas the betamax comeback will have to wait. So will my purchase. Once I'm convinced of its gaming prowess then I might plonk down the cash for it but only then. In the meantime this console is an answer to a question no one was asking really. Not exactly a red-hot must-have for me yet then.


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