Well its time to put the blog down for a day and wish you a merry Christmas or Xmas or your cherished celebration of choice. Its less a white Christmas than an apocalyptic one outside around these here parts with torrential sub-doomsday levels of rain. Truly its that special time of year again.
A time for shiny wrapping paper, nauseating levels of consumption and a time where families get together seemingly for the purpose of talking over each other because who needs to hear the TV anyway. Maybe that last one is just mine. As you can no doubt tell I'm filled with a warm merry glow right now. Might just be the liqueur I've imbibed this evening though.
Oh well whatever the last 12 months have thrown in your general direction here's conveying to you good vibes for 2014 in a blog sized serving of good will. Hope you get a measure of what you're seeking. Heck here's hoping for a good dose of perspective for us all on a day that won't be merry for all.
Sure we only get an approximation of the marketing delusion that is Christmas Day but I'm thankful for the something rather than the nothing some will get tomorrow. Merry Xmas peeps, see you the other side of Boxing Day
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