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my week as a screenshot #2

This week I have been mostly playing Paradise Killer. I have many thoughts about this game but those will comes later. Suffice to say there's an embarrassment of riches here for zany out of context screenshots, such as this snippet from a conversation between my player character and a possessed vending machine that just might be out to end the world as we know it. 

No shortage of such moments in this game and I applaud its developers for going out on something of a limb here. As I say, more thoughts later but for now enjoy these visions of inter-dimensional madness from the repeatedly rebooted island of the gods, more after the break...

Some premier pelvic thrusting going on here from Doctor Doom Jazz, can't speak for the bonafides of his medical degree however.

Another quality slice of oddness from this game and a contender for best item description I will read in a game this year I think. Then again this game is replete with choice contenders for this prestigious title as exemplified below...

Won't you look at that? A soft drink that makes you nostalgic for a past that never was. The game is full of nice touches like this, incidental though they are. You just don't get existential angst like this from Tetris or Call of Duty do you? 

Anyhow that's enough high quality blogging for today, back soon.


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