Quick state of the blog update here in this season of the limited edition eggnog latte. The aforementioned major life events that are not life threatening were a complete success but have left me with less time than usual for the blogging thing. I've still managed to fit in some more of the gaming thing however so plans are afoot as we approach the year's end, big plans I say, nefarious plans. Plans.
Which is of course another way of saying that the first part of my thoughts on all the games I've played this year will be coming shortly, yes Completionism 2023 is well on its way. Somehow it has ended up being another bumper year in that regard. Maybe about as bumper as it gets actually. So bumper there may be a notable shift in my gaming habits come 2024.
As previously mentioned on here I've been on something of a mission these past few years. Starting in the COVID times and extending all the way to the here and now I've been playing all those games from the past decade or so I've been meaning to play but hitherto didn't get around to. A half ge task to be sure, a lot of games come under that description. But recently something has changed. In fact I think I may have reached something of a personal milestone in my quest to play said games.
You see, I think I may have played all the games that came under that label for me. I may have indeed played all the games I've been meaning to play for an age or so and I now find myself pondering games that look suspiciously modern. It happened around late October when that sense of having caught up with my gaming habit finally caught up with me. Found myself playing Disco Elysium and realising that this is a game people refer to in the right here and now. I started struggling to find games that fit the criteria of having not been played despite being released in the age of early iPhones. These kinda games were still there but as I gazed upon my library I realised they were now getting rather few and far between.
I realise I may be the last person on the game playing planet to play a game of Skyrim from beginning to end but with its recent completion I can now look to play games that people talk about in the present tense rather than in the 'oh yeah I remember that one' sense. I may begin to feel dangerously current again.
Dangerously current meaning that I might just casually pick up and play a game like Cyberpunk 2077 like that's not already three years old. Although in this example I think the wait pays off with better game quality. The 'Day 1' crowd certainly got a raw deal there.
Anyhow there may be change afoot in the new year is what I'm saying. That said, as far as December goes it'll be business as usual amidst all the Xmas frivolity. There will be games, there will be thoughts, there will be ramblings, there may even be something like a well-formed opinion here and there should I let one slip through.
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