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Showing posts from January, 2024

the games played last year awards 2024

The glitz, the glamour and the games! Yes it's the 2024 edition of  The Games Played Last Year Awards! The GPLYA's as I will continue to call them even though it  doesn't commit itself to the memory at all. It's that special time of year (the start of it) where I come together with myself (phrasing) to pick out the highlights and otherwise of the past twelve months of my gaming habit. Here I single out the very most notable of my gaming experiences of 2023. I've brought back most of the awards from last year's ceremony with a minimum of tweaks plus a few newbies to go around. Which games will win these prestigious and not at all fictional awards? What did I enjoy? What did I not enjoy? What is the point of it all? Stamp your ticket, take your seat and read on to find out...